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Tom Dubbels

M State Employee Image
(218) 299-6516 - Moorhead
Professional Information: I offer career, personal and academic counseling on the Moorhead campus. I also teach Career Life Planning and Student Success Seminar classes. I'm a strong believer that education can change a person's life, and I want to do all that I can to help students succeed. Hobbies and Interests: I'm a big fan of all sports. My favorite teams are the Minnesota Vikings, Twins, Lynx, Timberwolves and Wild. If you want to just stop by and talk sports, that works for me. Educational Background: Master of Science: Counseling & Human Development, Minnesota State University Moorhead Bachelor of Science: Education, North Dakota State University Credentials: Licensed Professional Counselor (ND-LPC), Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC) and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Certified Trainer Book an appointment: http://bookings.kingpaq.com/tom-dubbels


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