

If you are thinking about transferring from M State to a four-year college or university, stop in and visit with an academic advisor to make sure you are on track to transfer to your college or university of choice.

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0-24学分: 与你的学术顾问讨论你的转学计划. 浏览大学网站,探索专业选择.

能力学分: 拜访有意向的大学,看看是否有转学奖学金.

30 - 45学分: 查看学位审核(DARS)并咨询你的学术顾问.


  • 将申请寄到你计划就读的学院或大学.
  • 申请经济资助.
  • 申请大发彩票平台毕业,完成 毕业申请.
  • 将最终成绩单寄到你计划就读的学院或大学.
  • If you are completing your M State degree at your transfer college or university, 你需要注册你的课程. 一旦你注册了, you will want to make sure the courses will complete the requirements for your degree. 我们建议您对此进行核实 Transferology 和你的州顾问谈谈.

Check out the transfer planning timeline worksheet below which details what you should be doing each semester.



最重要的是 你应该知道的是 接收学院或大学决定哪些学分可以转移 以及这些学分是否符合学位要求.

  • 在明尼苏达州立学院和大学(MnSCU)系统内 A course that meets a Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) goal at M State will meet the same goal at a MnSCU institution.
  • MnSCU系统以外的学院和大学 A course can meet an MnTC goal at M State and yet may or may not be considered equivalent to a course at the receiving institution. 的 accreditation of both the sending and receiving institution can affect the transfer of credits earned, 但这并不是决定信用转移的唯一因素. Institutions accept credits from courses and programs like those they offer. 的y look for similarity in course goals, content and level: "like" transfers to "like.一门课程的名称不足以确定其等效性. 并不是所有的转学都对毕业有影响. Bachelor's degree programs usually count credits in three categories: general education, 主修/辅修课程和先决条件/选修课程. 的 key question is, "Will your credits fulfill requirements of the degree or program you choose?"

Since all colleges and universities are unique and differ in how they accept courses and other types of college credits (CLEP, AP, IB, 国际信用, 等.), 与大发彩票平台的学术顾问交谈是很重要的, 查阅大学目录和网站, 和四年制大学的顾问谈谈.


To ensure a smooth transfer from M State to a four-year college or university, 了解大发彩票平台提供的学位类型很重要:

  • 副学士(AA)学位: 的 Associate of Arts (AA) degree is designed for transfer and offers flexibility in terms of the variety of colleges to which a student can transfer and in the variety of majors that can be chosen. 的 AA degree requires completion of the MnTC, which is what gives it more transferability. 完成MnTC包括从MnTC至少40个学分, meeting the specified requirements in each of the 10 MnTC goal areas and achieving a minimum 2.在MnTC内平均绩点为0. 的se requirements will meet the general education requirements at other MnSCU institutions. 一些公立和私立大学也授予AA学位. Some four-year majors require specific general education courses referred to as premajor requirements. Note: Course requirements may vary depending on the major and transfer college, so it is important to talk to an academic advisor at M State and to the appropriate person at the transfer college or university.

For students who are undecided about their major and who are interested in a four-year degree, 在做决定之前,AA学位是一个很好的学习项目.

  • 美术副学士(AFA)学位: 的 Associate of 美术 (AFA) degree is intended to transfer in its entirety to a related fine arts bachelor's degree program. AFA学位要求至少24-30学分的MnTC课程.
  • 理学副学士学位: 的 Associate of Science (AS) degree is intended to prepare students for immediate employment; however, students can transfer to complete a bachelor's degree when they transfer to colleges with which M State has 清晰度的协议. AS学位要求至少30个学分的MnTC课程. Additional MnTC courses may be required to complete a bachelor's degree, particularly if students transfer to a college or university where an articulation agreement does not exist.
  • 应用科学副学士学位: Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees are intended mainly to prepare students for direct employment. Students who are following an AAS degree and who are interested in transfer are strongly advised to talk to an M State academic advisor as transfer options are more limited. Students can transfer to complete a bachelor's degree when they transfer to colleges with which M State has 清晰度的协议.AAS学位要求至少15个学分的MnTC课程. Additional MnTC courses typically would be required to complete a bachelor's degree for students who transfer, particularly to colleges or universities with which 清晰度的协议 do not exist.

I am an AS or AAS degree student; what are my transfer options?

An AS has a minimum of 30 MnTC credits, and an AAS degree has at least 15 MnTC credits required. 所有MnTC课程都将转入四年制学院或大学. 调查您的特定程序是否有 清晰度的协议. 的se agreements guarantee acceptance of part or all of your AS or AAS credits. 否则, if you transfer to a college or university without an articulation agreement, 技术课是按班复习的. 通常, technical credits do not transfer to a four-year college or university without an articulation agreement, 虽然有些可以作为选修学分转移, 这取决于你申报的专业.

Can I transfer to another college prior to completing my M State degree?

是的, but we encourage students to complete their M State degree as this may result in a smoother transfer process. 学生可以转学 回来 credits from another college or university to finish their M State degree. 的 following steps will help to ensure a smooth experience in completing the degree requirements:

  • Visit with an academic advisor about your plans while you are still a student at M State.
  • 离开大发彩票平台后,在你的转学机构注册课程. 指 Transferology to verify the courses in which you enrolled will meet the requirements remaining for your M State degree and talk with your M State advisor.
  • 当你完成了州立大学硕士学位所需的所有课程, request an official transcript to be sent from the transfer institution to M State. If you are attending an institution that is part of the MnSCU system, you may use the 电子成绩单申请表格.
  • 申请大发彩票平台毕业,完成 毕业申请.

查看学分转回完成学位清单, 位于下面的, 您应该采取哪些步骤.